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Other Organisations

People frequently raise issues in complaints with which we cannot help directly. On this page you will find links and information about other organisations or methods which may be helpful on how to take your complaint forward.

An Bord Pleanála
Individual planning decisions may be appealed to An Bord Pleanála by anyone that was a party to the planning case. There is no appeals mechanism in respect of decisions of An Bord Pleanála.

Further information on the appeals process and An Bord Pleanála is available at

Local Authority
You can contact a local planning authority (city or county council) to seek information on, or to complain about, a planning matter.

Should you wish to contact your Local Authority, the contact details for each Local Authorities Planning Department can be viewed here.

Local authorities are responsible for investigating complaints made relating to unauthorised developments. If a local authority believes a development does not have the required permission, or its terms of permission have not been met, it may take what is known as enforcement action to address the issue.

Local authorities will also have their own mechanism through which customers may complain about the quality services provided, including planning service, or to make suggestions regarding the improvement of services. Details of Ireland’s thirty-one local authorities are available at

Office of the Ombudsman 
The Office of the Ombudsman may investigate complaints if a person is unhappy with how they have been treated by a local authority in carrying out its administrative activities.

In relation to planning, the Ombudsman may examine whether a planning authority has used its discretionary powers in a reasonable manner in relation to a decision not to pursue enforcement action or an unreasonable delay in progressing enforcement action.

The Ombudsman does not consider decision to grant or refuse planning permission or a decision made by the elected members of a local authority such as the adoption of a development plan.

Further information on the Ombudsman is available at

Judicial Review
A decision made by either a planning authority or An Bord Pleanála may be challenged in the High Court by making an application for a Judicial Review.

Independent legal advice should be sought when considering an application for Judicial Review.